Individual Therapy

Everyone wants to be fully seen and heard. Sometimes the outside world silences your voice, and you can feel unnoticed and/or misunderstood.

What would it mean to have someone dedicated to spending a meaningful, one-on-one hour with you? To hear you, to see you; with no judgment, but with genuine empathy?

The therapeutic relationship can be transformative.

I consider the therapeutic relationship to be transformative. I believe that the work we do in session can be a great model as to what you can do in your world outside of my office.

This means we may have to peel back some layers, like an onion. So, yes, there may be tears. Just remember, you are not doing this alone. I will be there every step of the way.

In individual therapy, you are offered a space to vent, gain perspective, feel supported, and even challenged. Friends and family are great and can be a wonderful source of support, but they have blind spots and biases that may not be helpful. And sometimes, disastrous.

Whether you are coming in to work through relationship issues, depression, life transitions, anxiety, stress, grief, or spirituality, I help individuals navigate through the seasons of life and not lose their sense of self.

We often think that it’s the external things in our world that need changing to make us feel better; on the contrary, it is the work that we do internally that can, in fact, change our world.

What to Expect

The first couple of sessions will be spent discussing what brought you to my office. You are a blank canvas to me; so, the more you share, the more paint I can add to the picture.

These initial sessions help to build the therapeutic relationship and set personal goals. This is when we begin planning and co-creating a custom road map to where you want to go. Within our 50-minute session, you determine how you want to spend your time.

I feel I need to say that therapy is not a straight path. Although we may have a plan, there may be some dips and turns. Sometimes the very thing you think you are coming in for may not be the real issue. And that is completely fine.

Together we travel down the winding roads of your thoughts and try to make sense of it all. I help to connect the dots, but it’s far more impactful when you can connect them yourself.

Individual sessions with me will be interactive.

There is no you lying on the couch with me nodding my head “mmhmming” and repeating “how did that make you feel”? We will have conversation. I will be speaking less and listening more, but you will not be left feeling as if you just talked to a wall.

We’ll create a space where you can bounce thoughts and feelings, and get back more than an echo.

I want to help you. Let me help you.

You will not get advice, but you will get compassion, insight, humor, accountability, and support.

What are you waiting for? You can change your future today.

Call me, so we can get to work.