Emotional Regulation/Intelligence

Where did that come from?

Have you been asked that question before?

It usually occurs after your emotional response wasn’t congruent with what was taking place. The person on the receiving end of your tears or your anger is left dazed and confused.

You see, displaced feelings like to come out at the most inappropriate times and in the most inappropriate way. Sometimes, it pours out over someone who wasn’t even connected to the reason you have that feeling in the first place.

Processing emotions in a healthy way is important in being able to self-regulate.

I will help you to cultivate emotional intelligence so that you are able to connect your thoughts to your feelings. Often, we do not like to feel our feelings. However, the thing about feelings is that they don’t go away. You can try to sweep them under the rug, but that just creates lumps.

Who wants to walk on a lumpy carpet?!

Let’s do some house cleaning and get to a place where we understand the “whys” to your being.

That can be challenging and sometimes even scary. But, remember, you are not alone in this. I won͛t have you take on more than you can handle. We will work together on building your emotional strength and brainpower.

I remember one day watching Cesar Millan’s show, Dog Whisperer. He was explaining to his clients that a well trained dog doesn’t walk in front of its owner, or behind, but he walks alongside.

This is similar to what emotional regulation looks like. For years you have had your feelings lead and pull you any which way. Or they lagged behind, having you tug and stop periodically, slowing you down in the process.

Be led astray no more! There is a way to keep you emotions in check. There are ways to be aware of your feelings, assess them and appropriately activate them so that you can adapt to your environment and achieve your goals.

Let’s get your heart and mind to work in congruence…

… so that you can function and communicate more effectively.

Call me today and I will get you on the path to developing this skill that will bring an awareness and peace within yourself and in your relationships with others.