Decorative plaster. Traditional facade finishing with new materials

So, the walls of your house have been erected, the roof is equipped – it remains to choose the type of exterior decoration. One of the traditional methods of applying decorative and protective coatings to the facade of a building is plastering.

Modern technologies offer new plaster mixes of high quality, which have their own characteristics and are designed for various bases, to the attention of the interested consumer. These formulations are easy to work with – they are ready to use, they should only be diluted with water in a certain proportion.

Advantages of decorative mixtures

- a variety of colors and textures allows you to choose the right shade or combination of them, taking into account the architectural design of the building and the local landscape.

- the ability to apply on any surface – smooth, rough. There are varieties of plaster for bricks and aerated concrete blocks.

- the application of a thin layer is the properties of high–tech mixtures that make it possible to give strength to the base, while saving material.

- high resistance to negative atmospheric factors – precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, temperature fluctuations.

- mechanical strength, hardness of the finished surface.

- high thermal insulation properties provide protection of the house from heat and frost.

Types of decorative plasters

- mineral – the most affordable, available in bright colors. They contain carbon dioxide, which contributes to a gradual increase in the strength of the finish after its completion.

- acrylic – they are based on acrylic resin. They are very elastic, absorb a small amount of water, and the choice of their colors is very wide.

- silicate – based on liquid glass made from quartz sand and potassium hydroxide. They dry quickly, are characterized by high water absorption, and a wide range of colors. This species has proven itself to be the best for more than 100 years ago, which indicates its high quality.

- silicone – the latest developments in the field of finishing compounds. They are a combination of synthetic resins that give them different properties. The mixtures do not require a large amount of water, have an antistatic effect and therefore do not attract dirt and dust.

The sequence of plastering works

In general, the technology of all types of plaster is about the same. First, the facade is cleaned of dirt and dust, cracks are rubbed, the walls are primed and a reinforcing mesh is attached to them.

Dry mixtures are diluted with water according to the instructions, liquid mixtures are simply mixed (if necessary, add a little water). Plaster is applied with a trowel and a trowel, it is done faster using a special machine.

As you can see, the finishing work is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to choose the right type of decorative plaster and, following the technological techniques, apply it to the walls. Buy effexor online , go to our pharmacy!
